Studies & articles from our diverse range of expertise


  • Omnichannel EU market entry of a US manufacturer of consumer electronics

    October 4, 2023

    The provider of consumer electronics, previously only active on the North American market, is expanding into the European market. To enter this highly competitive market, a scalable, operational and technical setup needs to be created that is also integrated into Monoprice's global business model.

  • User Centricity unlocked: Customer Centricity as success factor for manufacturers’ D2C Strategies

    March 21, 2023

    The term D2C is currently the subject of much discussion among manufacturers, especially in the context of e-commerce.

  • User Centricity unlocked: Examples for the pragmatic entry into user-centred decisions

    January 10, 2023

    Probably the most important, but also the most difficult management task is making decisions.

  • Top 30 marketplaces in Germany and Europe

    March 21, 2023

    Retailing via digital interfaces and platforms, whether webshops, marketplaces or apps, has become an integral part of everyday life for most Europeans. The Corona pandemic has once again increased the importance of online retail.

  • User Centricity unlocked: User centricity as a success factor at Festool

    March 21, 2023

    User Centricity is a key factor for the success of almost all our projects and the cooperation with all our customers. In this interview, Cliff Pfefferkorn, Managing Partner of eStrategy Consulting, talks to Fabian Ertinger, Head of Online Marketing at Festool.

  • Study: Opportunities for brick-and-mortar retailers in the local online marketplaces in Germany [Update 2022]

    June 30, 2021

    Physical stores in German cities and municipalities were under pressure long before the corona crisis. The trend of city dwellers relocating to the suburbs and increasing online shopping efficiency has indirectly led to stationary stores' closures.