“eBay Deine Stadt” – a sustainable model for local online marketplaces

2024-04-01T19:05:52+02:00Tags: , |

Due to the increasing importance of online retail, stationary retail has come under increasing pressure in recent years. Nevertheless, stationary retail has so far dealt with digitalization and the possibilities of e-commerce in very different ways. Numerous cities want to support stationary retail and bring together local supply with local demand.

ECE Digital Mall – from shopping mall to omnichannel hub

2022-02-03T22:36:34+01:00Tags: |

ECE is one of the three largest developers and operators of shopping malls in Europe. It is challenged by digitalization of retail, because the new customer behavior and the increasing relevance of digital channels in the customer journey weaken existing USPs of shopping malls: the leasing of attractive, high-reach and high-revenue spaces to renting retailers.

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